KIU is announcing the Master of Science degree program in Finance and Information Management.

The goal of the two-year program is to train competitive specialists in the field of finance and information management and to enhance the expertise of practicing managers, allowing them to push forward current financial and digital technologies, handle big data and integrate technology and entrepreneurship.

The FIM program offers a unique combination of (quantitative) finance and information management with training courses covering areas such as business process management, digital Innovation, data analytics, machine learning, blockchains, quantitative finance, applied risk management, as well as the rapidly developing areas related to sustainability and social innovation. Students enjoy an international and attractive study atmosphere and will be coached by academic and professional mentors who give advice on the study program and support for an individual career planning and personal development. The program is unique in offering communication and business skill courses for the students’ personal development, summer schools, projects with business partners and a mandatory social project. The program will be implemented in English and international faculty and experts will be involved from the Technical University of Munich, the University of Toronto and other higher education institutions.


The FIM program lead at KIU is Professor Rudi Zagst who holds the Chair of Mathematical Finance at the Technical University of Munich (TUМ) and is the co-founder of the FIM program at TUM. Prof. Zagst said “The technology revolution is rapidly changing the financial system, and I am very pleased to work with KIU and the Republic of Georgia to help create the responsible leaders of the future.”


The digital transformation is leading to the emergence of new business models that are fundamentally changing the financial sector. Triggered by increased competitive pressure on the part of financial service providers, the growing willingness of the population to take advantage of digital offerings in this area and the increasing use of new technologies and methods such as blockchain and machine learning, digitized and automated financial services are becoming more and more important. In contrast to traditional financial services, digital business models are often processed in small teams, from strategy development via data analysis to software implementation, and require fast and agile processes and thus comprehensive knowledge in all the areas mentioned.


The Master of Science Program - "Finance and Information Management" aims to prepare graduates for future challenges in the field of finance. Graduates can design new business models in this area. It provides the theoretical and methodological foundation for the subject of financial management. In addition to financial management, information technology, computer science and mathematics also play a decisive role. This is particularly evident in the three concentrations. The program has an interdisciplinary character, imparting knowledge and skills about financial topics in connection with data, their processing, analysis, and preparation with the help of information systems and mastery by means of empirical-analytical working methods.