International Charity Foundation Cartu (The Cartu Foundation) was established in 1995 by the family of Bidzina Ivanishvili with the aim of supporting Georgia’s development through philanthropic and charity projects.
The main priority areas of the Cartu Foundation are as follows:
• Science and Education
• Culture and Cultural Heritage Preservation
• Agriculture
• Healthcare
• Regional Development and Infrastructure
• Recreation and Hospitality
• Environmental Protection
• Sport and Youth Development
The projects worth of over 3.2 billion US dollars were financed and implemented by the Cartu Foundation since its establishment to date.
The Cartu Foundation believes that science and education are key areas driving Georgia’s growth and development. Thus, the Cartu Foundation is investing over 1 billion Euro into the development of a new university campus in the city of Kutaisi, Georgia that will house the Kutaisi International University.
Other major projects implemented by the Cartu Foundation in the educational sector are:
• 400 secondary schools were built, rehabilitated and equipped throughout Georgia
• Over 100,000 students received new school furniture (desks, blackboards, etc.)
• All 2085 public schools were equipped with computers
• Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University building #1 was fully rehabilitated and equipped to meet the requirements of international standard
• The Academy of Sciences of Georgia, Tbilisi State Conservatoire, Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, National Library of Georgia, Sachkhere Central Library,
Georgian Encyclopedia Editorial Office were fully rehabilitated and equipped
• A new building of the Botanical Institute in Tbilisi was built
• French School was built in Tbilisi
• Concept design of a new Technological University was developed
Culture and Cultural Heritage Preservation
Culture and cultural heritage preservation is another key priority fields of the Cartu Foundation with the following major projects funded since 1995 in Georgia:
• 11 Theatres and Music Centers and 9 Museums have been fully re-constructed, renovated and equipped including the lighting, sound, stage, machinery and video equipment, music instruments and performance accessories, indoor climate control systems, etc.• Kakhidze Music Center, Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre, Tbilisi Concert Hall, Rustaveli Drama Theatre, Marjanishvili Drama Theatre, Griboedov Drama Theatre, Tavisupali Theatre, Nodar Dumbadze Professional Youth Theatre, Tumanishvili Drama Theatre, Theatre of Music and Drama, Puppet Theatre are amongst the cultural centers funded by the Cartu Foundation.
• Georgian National Museum, Museum of Theatre, Cinema and Choreography, Folk and Applied Arts Museum, Contemporary Art Museum, Chavchavadze House Museum, Tsereteli House Museum, Mayakovsky House Museum, Grishashvili House Museum, The David Baazov Museum of History of Jews of Georgia were fully rehabilitated and equipped.
• Black Sea Arena - a Summer Concert Hall with 9,000 seats was built with exceptional facility to host world class artists, festivals, cultural and art contests and events.
• Up to 900 Georgian masterpieces have been restored and conserved including many religious and historical buildings.
Economic Development
After Georgia’s independence economic development is the country’s major priority. With this aim the Cartu Foundation, being the largest charity foundation in Georgia has carried out various activities and projects that are incomparable in scale to any other private sector contribution. Some of the examples of the work carried out by the Cartu Foundation are as follows:In the field of agriculture, the Cartu Foundation has launched nurseries, modern greenhouses, cold storages and laboratories. For example, Jigaura and Tsilkani nurseries, modern industrial greenhouses and cold storage warehouses were created in addition to contemporary agricultural laboratories which currently serve development of farming and agriculture in Georgia.
In the healthcare sector, the Cartu Foundation has implemented the following projects:
• Emergency Healthcare Centers were built and fully equipped with the modern medical technologies, laboratories, diagnostic devices and furniture
• Sachkhere Medical Center and Campus enabling 46,000 citizens to receive timely and high quality medical services was created with over 1,200doctors received practical training in emergency healthcare
In the field of regional development and infrastructure, the Cartu Foundation has funded construction of different state and municipal buildings, construction and rehabilitation of over 300 km roads and bridges, rehabilitation of social utilities infrastructure, as well as 554 km natural gas piping installation and distribution.
In the recreation and hospitality sector, the Cartu Foundation has implemented the following projects:
• Batumi Dolphinarium;
• Prometheus Cave in Western Georgia;
• Amusement Park Tsitsinatela at the Black Sea.
Protection of environment is an important priority of the Foundation with the following projects funded and implemented since 1995:
• Vashlovani Protected Areas (Tourist Infrastructure);
• Lagodekhi Protected Areas (Tourist Infrastructure);
• Tusheti Protected Areas (Tourist Infrastructure);
• Batumi Botanical Garden;
• Tbilisi Botanical Garden.
Support of the development of healthy lifestyle and sports is another important priority of the Cartu Foundation.
The Foundation has built 14 rugby stadiums and campuses and was awarded with 2014 Award for Contribution in Rugby Development by International Rugby Board with
The Foundation has been providing financial support to the following sport federations in Georgia:
Boxing Federation, Chess Federation, Fencing Federation, Football (Soccer) National Federation, Gymnastics National Federation, Handball National Federation, Judo National Federation, Karate National Federation, National Swimming Federation, Sambo National Federation, Tennis Federation, Wrestling National Federation, Georgian Wrestling Federation, Shooting Federation, Taekwondo Federation.